Boy, I don't know how many of you guys saw the speech yesterday. It was all I saw of the DNC, but when I tell you that place was electric! For almost 5 minutes all Obama could say was thank you, because the crowd wouldn't stop cheering. Denver Broncos stadium was packed beyond normal capacity and people were waiting outside to get in. Even Clinton supporters went to hear Obama one last time to see if they would change their minds and support him. It was historic, without a doubt. I almost wonder why I asked that question in the title. The speech was given (it's common knowledge) on the 45th anniversary of MLK Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech. Heck, even McCain had some incredibly vague words of congratulations for Obama (you may have to scroll down to see the video).
"How perfect that your nomination would come on such a historic day!"
And then he spoke. And my did he speak. In the words of a really good friend of mine, "he ripped the republicans a new one."
He called out John McCain as an elitist, suggesting that McCain considered "Middle Class" to be anyone who makes $5M a year. "It's not that John McCain doesn't care. It's that John McCain doesn't get it," said Obama.
What really got me though was the stuff he said about himself. He made some bold statements and promises: Raising teachers' wages, investing in energy saving practices, cutting dependence on foreign oil in 10 years...and I need to stop there for a minute.
For Obama to cut foreign oil dependence in 10 years--and I don't even know how he intends to do it--his plan would have to be so fricking awesome that two years after the absolute max of his terms, whoever came afterwards would have to have been so enamored with this plan that they'd pick it up for the next two years.
Much of Obama's planning has to do with rallying the country to step up. He called out Americans, saying that the ones who deserves taxbreaks were the hard workers, and the real hardworking folks in America was being punished for their hard work. He praised workers, family, and other easy traditional American values.
He even took some stances on gay marriage, even though it was kinda shaky...and you could tell in his voice that he was thinking "I'm taking a huge risk with this one." He basically said that gay marriage may not pass in the next 4 years, but the LGBTQIQ Community (which he just called Gay and Lesbians) should be allowed to visit their significant others in the hospital at least.
My sum up: Obama pissed some people off. I know it. He was direct and powerful, and he has the ability to rally the people. I feel like if America votes him in as president, he'd have their support. So I'm really not even worried about his assassination, because I know it would only come from a grassroots, closed-minded, archaic attempt at throwing the country in a frenzy at the worst possible time out of extreme selfishness. I just really noticed that Obama has a very strong people-oriented government plan, and I don't know if after 8 years of saying "how is Bush going to protect us," the people are going to be ready to do some work. Nobody likes change but a wet baby, and I don't know if many of the people realize that the government is not just going to change around them; everybody has to change.
I think the changes are good. And hopefully, with Obama's ability to rally people, the changes will come full-force. But the campaigning won't be over after this election, and it probably won't even take a break.
(By the way, in terms of picture sources, most of my pictures come from online sources. To find the source itself, click on the picture. It will open in another window (or tab; your choosing) and the location will be in the Navigation bar. Or you could just right-click the picture and say "copy location" and paste it somewhere else, but why would you want to do a thing like that?)
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