I jus heard naked truf on youtube
and I am mad dat u cuss people out
u r goin 2 HELL!
but im prayin 4 u
in jesus name
take care
bye bye.
He's so freaking weird.
But he's SO intriguing.
Bapost.o.g.i.c mixtape drops August 12th. I'm excited.
He's got 3 tracks from the album uploaded on Myspace. Patient has been up for a while, but now "The Funky Evidence" and "A Year Ago" are now up.
"The Funky Evidence" has some Lil' Mama influence--if you can't tell from the shout-out. But a thing I like about Ton3x is that he can take something you've heard somewhere else and totally change it up. And not just half-way change it up where it's more like a parody than an original song.
"A Year Ago" speaks for itself...actually feels like it's been more than a year ago. I don't think my current pastor was at my home church when Tonex dropped "Naked Truth"...idk. A LOT has happened in the past few months, though, and it's time to take notice.
The man is a genius.
Listing from Zambooie.
01. Opening/Devotion
02. The Black Maverick
03. Heartfixa (f/ Japhia Life)
04. My Attire
05. The Funky Experience
06. A Year Ago
07. Hurts So Bad
08. Hurting Each Other (feat. The Carpenters)
09. Make U Happy (feat. David Cassidy)
10. Hup!, Come all the way (f/ Omega)
11. Bapost.o.g.i.c.
12. Gotta Give
13. Jesus Saves
14. The Difference (feat. Gospel Gangstaz)
15. Change (feat. The Hawkins)
16. Marvelous
17. Glorex
18. Patient
19. Grace
20. The Baton
The review will (hopefully) be out somewhere within the first week of release.
1 comment:
"u r goin 2 HELL!"
Really? Just like that? I have a Bible degree, I've been on 20 missions tirps, and attended 2 Christian universities, yet I have done a fraction of what Tonex has. And I said the word "shit" yesterday, in reference to how many points my friend scored at Wii bowling: "Wow, you scored a shitton of points!"
Am I going to Hell as well?
Cursing is not wrong; God looks at intent, not diction. Cuss words are idiomatic and cultural. Christians in Australia say "ass" and "damn". Are they all going to hell?
Since the English language wasn't even in EXISTENCE during the times of the Bible's authorship, it's safe to say that exactly zero passages reference a cuss word. As George Carlin said, "no word, in and of itself, is evil." We, as a culture, have decided which words are taboo, and which are not.
The words "mierda" and "chinga" probably mean little (or nothing) to you. In Spanish, they are vulgar curse words.
Are you resonating with my vibe? Or are you too busy telling people that Barack Obama is the Antichrist to feel me?
You judge people abrasively, TON3X curses, and I yelled at a rent-a-cop lookalike for being a total tool. We all need a little Jesus. :)
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